Diabetes in Pregnancy Education for Patients and Practitioners

Sweet Success Extension (SSE), now an arm of Right Now Nussing CEs (RNNCEs), provides the services previously admisintered by the not-for-profit entity SSEP.   RNNCEs did work “behind the scenes” as a conference management and shipping and handling manager for SSEP.
SSE continues with options in education for both patients/families and practitioners in the realm of pregnancy complicated by diabetes.
Education for practitioners and for your patients, some products with CE credits available.
The 27th Annual National Conference will be a Live Virtual Even November 3-4, 2023 with an alternative option to order the recorded lectures via webinar to follow.

Right Now Nursing CEs, LLC (RNNCEs) Partner, announces the addition of Sweet Success Express (SSE) to its list of educational venues regarding Maternity/Newborn care.  Swee Success Extension Program (SSEP) was  a 501(c) (3) nonprofit corporation which closed December 31, 2021.  Their goal to promote Diabetes and Pregnancy guidelines through education, continuues with SSE. Teaching guidelines remain based on the CA Sweet Success Model of Care by making it available and accessible to diabetes and pregnancy programs nationwide. This model of care remains the leading authority in diabetes and pregnancy guidelines and has been successfully implemented in various settings including managed care, primary care, clinics, offices, medical centers and hospitals ​at all levels of care in numerous states, and at Indian Health Service facilities. SSE will continue to provide conferences  andsupport services for health care providers nationwide.

 This 27th annual event will again be “Live Virtual”
(but you have an option to order the recroded sessions instead).

We are staying with a conference format this year that focuses on  practical coverage of guidelines in care.  
Women and families that face a pregnancy complicated by diabetes need our assistance in reproductive decisions, prenatal and birth care as wellas postpartum adjustments. 
These familes count on our knowledge and guidance
to find their way to optimal health under these complicated circumstances.

Our collective practical approach to guidance and consideration of individual needs saves lives and promotes healthy living.
Components of treatment must take into consideration each family’s knowledge deficit(s);
teaching needs and styles of learning; demonstration needs; telecommunication ressources; extra testing, time, and expense;
needed life-style changes; motivation and mastery assessment and guidance.

The practitioner needs 
and up-to-date knowledge about care components.  In addition each talented speaker we are engaging in the conference will present a complicated Case Study to demonstrate spcifi challengs faced.

Topics to be discussed in our conference:
Preconception Counseling, Testing and Diagnosis Criteria, Comorbidities, Glucose Monitoring, MNT, Medication Management,
Targeted glucose control, Use of insulin pump, Importance of sleep, Birth Care, Update on Covid in pregnancy, Newborn Care, and Post Partum follow up.   

Self-Study Series full CEU Course Care of Diabetes in Pregnancy 
​and now a more focused AP Care package as well.
For all orders please email:  cindy@rnnces.com

       Online Versions – no S & H
12 Modules (listed below) 40 CE and CPEU – $189 Reg. Price 

             Diabetes and Pregnancy Standards of Care 40 CE or CPE     
​​​Based on Sweet Success Guidelines-for-Care 2015 American Association of Pediatrics Recommendations; 2020 American Diabetes Association Standards for Diabetes Care Recommendations: World Health Organization 2020 Recommendions; ACOG Practice bulletin No. 180; and SSEP Guidelines at a Glcance 2020.

OAL: The goal of the continuing education modules is to provide clinicians knowledge and guidance to
provide high quality, comprehensive, culturally appropriate care for women with diabetes and pregnancy.
Successful implementation can help meet legislative, regulatory and clinical practice guidelines.
Modules Included:
Module 1:  Preconception/Contraception
Module 2:  Medical Nutrition Therapy
Module 3:  Screening & Diagnosis of GDM
Module 4:  Self-monitoring Blood Glucose
Module 5:  Insulin Therapy
Module 6:  Hypoglycemia
Module 7:  Maternal/Fetal Assessment
Module 8:  Intrapartum and Delivery
Module 9:  PostPartum and Breastfeeding
Module 10:  Neonatal Care
Module 11:  Exercise
Module 12:  Psychosocial and Cultural Issues

Required Reading: Current Sweet Success Guidelines for Care, Guidelines at a Glance for GDM and Current ADA Standards for Medical Care in Diabetes.
Individual courses not available
Included in online order: Full set of 12 modules, SSEP Guidelines at a Glance for GDM, Current CDAPP Sweet Success Guidelines for Care, Current ADA Standards for Medical Care in Diabetes, ACOG Practice Bulletin 180, APA Clinical Report:  Neonatal Hypoglycemia
Please read about CEU requirements and our return policy before ordering CEU Modules.


Now, as requested, a smaller set of modules:  Antepartum Care
6 Modules: 
20 CE or CPE Available

​GOAL: The goal of the continuing education modules is to provide clinicians knowledge and guidance to
provide high quality, comprehensive, culturally appropriate care for women with diabetes and pregnancy.
Successful implementation can help meet legislative, regulatory and clinical practice guidelines.
!Describe the current antepartum management of gestational and preexisting diabetes during pregnancy
!Describe the benefits of a multidisciplinary team approach to care
!Discuss nutritional guidelines for women with diabetes and pregnancy
!Describe the benefits and potential risks of exercise during a pregnancy complicated by diabetes
!List three factors that place a woman with GDM at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life

Explanation of Module Numbering: By request for a shorter set of modules, this set contains the 6 antepartum module
from the full, 40 CE Diabetes in Pregnancy Self-Study Modules (Modules 2,4,5,6,7 & 11)
2. Medical Nutrition Therapy – 5 C-Hrs
4. SMBG – 3 C-Hrs
5. Insulin Therapy – 3 C-Hrs
6. Maternal Hypoglycemia – 3 C-Hrs
7. Maternal/Fetal Assessments 3 C-Hrs
11. Exercise 3 C-Hrs
20 CE or CPEUs – Regular Price $149


For all orders please email cindy@rnnces.com

Updated Quick Reference Sources, now available as pdf downloads.   Purchase separately or at a savings when you purchase the whole set GDM Management:  Pregnancy Complicated by Pre-exisitng Diabetes:  Calculating and Adjusting Insulin.


For all orders please email cindy@rnnces.com


Quick Reference Updated.  Guidelines at a Glance

For all orders please email cindy@rnnces.com

Updated Quick Reference Sources, now available as pdf downloads.   Purchase separately or at a savings when you purchase the whole set GDM Management:  Pregnancy Complicated by Pre-exisitng Diabetes:  Calculating and Adjusting Insulin.


For all orders please email cindy@rnnces.com

GDM Patient Handout

Available in English or Spanish
Bulk order savings availalbe.
For all orders email cindy@rnnces.com