Presented and Created by Cindy Parke, RNC, C-EFM, CNM, MSN
Learn at a live Seminar or from the comfort of your own home
Prepare for the NCC InPatient OB Nursing exam
Cindy Parke brings her InPatient Review Course to the comfort of your home in a webinar (pace yourself) or a Live Virtual event (limited offerings). While each format covers the same basics, the webinar series allows additional subjects. The Live Virtual is a two day event with interaction with the instructor.
Course Information:
- Review labor physiology, pathophysiology, and components of effective labor progress and develop effective patient assessment, care, and management techniques that assist birth physiology.
• Develop policies/strategies for labor induction and augmentation based on respect for physiology, safety, evidence and NICHD recommendations.
• Recognize and respond to abnormal labor patterns including tachysystole and dystocia.
• Review pain assessment and management in labor including non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic care techniques.
• Identify adverse fetal response to labor, causation, clinical observations, interventions, and intrauterine resuscitation.
• Review new NICHD definitions, categories, and necessary nursing actions.
• Recognize a variety of pathologic and emergent labor situations including GH, Diabetes, Uterine Rupture, Hemorrhage, DIC, and appropriate management and documentation issues. - Identify normal and abnormal parameters in the second stage; explore new research-based second stage management.
- Describe risk factors for shoulder dystocia noting clinical interventions and techniques to improve outcomes, and decrease liability.
- Describe indicators of stage III-IV labor emergency situations.
- Develop essential documentation and chart review skills for safer patient care.
- Locate and utilize key web resources for L&D skill building to enhance safe maternity and newborn care.